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tag标签 自学考试(9)高等教育(3)基础英语试题(1) 摘要57. Wearing a seat belt in a vehicle ____. A. reduces road accidents by more than half B. saves lives while driving at a speed up to 30 miles per hour C. reduces the death rate in traffic accidents D...

57. Wearing a seat belt in a vehicle ____.
A. reduces road accidents by more than half
B. saves lives while driving at a speed up to 30 miles per hour
C. reduces the death rate in traffic accidents
D. saves more than 15,000 lives each year
58. It is the driver’s responsibility to ____.
A. make the front passengers wear a seat belt
B. make the front children under 14 wear a seat belt
C. stop children riding in the front seat
D. wear a seat belt each time he drives
59. According to the passage, which of the following people riding in the front does not have to wear a seat belt?
A. Someone who is backing into a parking space.
B. Someone who is picking up the children from the local school.
C. Someone who is delivering invitation letters.
D. Someone who is under 14.
60. For some people, it may be better ____.
A. to wear a seat belt for health reasons
B. not to wear a seat belt for health reasons
C. to get a valid medical certificate before wearing a seat belt
 D. to pay a fine rather than wear a seat belt
Passage 2
 America’s genius with high technology may have put men on the moon, but people are still suspicious about its ability to solve human problems closer to home. In fact, a subtle but significant shift from purely technological solutions is already under way as scientists argue openly for new directions in research.
 A growing number of scientists insist that answers to the world’s problems will not come from a flashier array of electronics and machines. What the Indian farmer needs is some innovative “low” technology—for example, a better onepiece plow that can be pulled by a water buffalo. So solutions must develop from a better understanding of the humans that drive the system and from a fuller appreciation of the limits and potentials of the earth’s resources.
 Industrial officials are concerned by a declining rate of innovation in technology. Patent applications by Americans have been dropping in the US since 1997. Yet many scientists seem to be saying: The need for better televisions, bigger power plants and faster airplanes is not so urgent. The market in the industrialized nations for this kind of technology is actually reaching a saturation point. All this does not say that technological creativity will not play a critical role in solving energy and food shortages, or that answers to environmental difficulties will not come from further advances in the same technologies that may have helped cause the problems. Where the real challenge lies, in the view of the new scientist, is in finding ways to produce goods to meet the world’s needs, using less of the raw materials that are becoming scarce.
61. “Human problems” in paragraph 1 refers to the following EXCEPT ____.
 A. energy shortage                               B. food shortage
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